NOTE: This domain is frequently spoofed for spam emails. I have no control over spoofing, but I want you to know that I am not phishing or trying to scam you. Blame Russia and Belarus (sometimes Hungary), not me.
So I have owned this site for years and it has been re-purposed many times. It was originally intended to be an underground record label, but that failed due to utter lack of effort. My passion in music never died tho and I’ve started and been a part of several bands and other music projects in that time. I’ve also been thru maybe a dozen computers and my shit keeps getting lost. My webhost is effectively cloudspace in the newspeak, so I have made all these worlds collide like a crazed drunken god, here, for posterity. I don’t care if people see this, I doubt I’ll visit it often after this post, and therefore I don’t care what you think of my music (so please don’t tell me).
Like it or hate it, here it is: an archive of all the music projects I have ever been a part of and whatever recordings and photos I happen to have of them.
See also: (howl and moan)